Treat Dry Skin With These Essential Oils

Treat Dry Skin With These Essential Oils

Essential oils are very beneficial for people who have rough, dry, and itchy skin. The cracks and lines that appear on the skin are due to dryness. Essential oils penetrate through the pores of the skin, hydrating and moisturizing it. Our skin tends to absorb these essential oils easily. These oils have incredible fragrance and are used for aromatherapy also. Here’s our selection of the best essential oils for dry skin.

Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is widely used as it is one of the best essential oils for dry skin. It soothes the irritation and dryness of the skin by hydrating it. This oil has anti-bacterial and -inflammatory properties that help to cure acne. As it provides relief from itching, it is also considered a very useful treatment for eczema. Lavender oil detoxifies, moisturizes, and protects dry skin from pollutants. You must dilute this oil with a carrier oil before applying it to your skin.

Helichrysum Oil
This essential oil, although slightly expensive, is considered to be a very effective cure for dry skin. It moisturizes and hydrates the skin and helps to fade scars. It is also considered as a potent anti-ager. Helichrysum oil protects the skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

Myrrh Oil
Myrrh is an ideal essential oil for dry skin as it soothes and protects it. It has robust antibacterial and antioxidant characteristics and can protect the skin from UV damage. This essential oil helps slow the development of wrinkles and fine lines, and help achieve more youthful-looking skin. Myrrh oil is generally considered to have no side effects. Note that pregnant and nursing women should avoid using this oil.

Geranium Oil
This oil is useful for both oily and dry skin. It gives a glow to your skin by hydrating it and making it look young. This oil reduces fine lines and wrinkles as it has astringent-like characteristics. Geranium oil has anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce dryness and irritation. This oil can be applied directly on the skin and has no side effects.

Tea-tree Oil
This is our best recommended essential oil for dry skin. It is a very useful oil for people who have severe conditions of acne and blackheads. It acts as an antiseptic and assists in reducing skin inflammations. It does not let your skin dry up and has fewer side effects than most other acne treatments.

Jasmine Oil
Jasmine essential oil is effective for curing dry and irritated skin as it has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. It gives your skin look radiant and glowing. Jasmine oil should be diluted and not applied to the skin directly.

Menioned above are the best essential oils for dry skin. But you should check with your doctor before you use any of these as a treatment for dry skin to prevent further skin issues.