Top Foods to Avoid for Type 2 Diabetics
If you are type 2 diabetic, then every meal has to be planned with care and needs to be balanced. The food choices you make greatly determine how high or how low your HbA1c levels get. High HbA1c levels can lead to a lot of health conditions. Here is a list of the top foods to avoid for type 2 diabetics.
Simple Carbohydrates
Two kinds of carbohydrates are normally available in the staples you choose – simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are those that are digested quickly and release glucose instantly into your bloodstream. This results in an insulin spike, leading to uncontrolled diabetes. Simple carbs are definitely on the list of foods to avoid for type 2 diabetics.
Direct Sugars
The basic problem with diabetics is that their body produces less insulin to handle the amount of glucose present in the blood. Sugar contains 100% glucose. Therefore, the more sugar you add to your drinks and food, the higher will be your glucose/sugar levels. Consistently high blood sugar levels make managing type 2 diabetes challenging.
Sugary Beverages
Some people avoid direct forms of sugar but are not able to stay away from packaged drinks and sodas. Check the labels of these drinks and you will see the staggering amount of sugar they have. Packaged sweet-tasting beverages will feature on the list of foods to avoid for type 2 diabetics.
Packed Snacks and Junk Food
If you thought only sugary foods and beverages are to be avoided, you have to check the ingredients of some of the popular snacks and junk food lying around your home. Ingredients such as corn syrup, fructose, corn sweetener, isoglucose, malt, and sucrose in these mean the addition of sugar. Stay away from all of them to maintain your blood sugar levels.
Fruits with High Glycemic Index
Glycemic index (GI) is a term used to describe how quickly a particular food increases your blood sugar levels. The higher the GI level, the quicker your blood sugar level spikes. The goal for diabetics is to choose foods with low GI levels. Some fruits that have a high GI index and need to be avoided are pineapples, watermelons, dates, and bananas.
Trans Fat
Trans fat is a form of unsaturated fat that raises your LDL cholesterol levels. LDL cholesterol is considered harmful to the body. There are innumerable clinical studies and research done on the relationship between increased LDL and unmanaged blood glucose levels. Including a lot of foods with trans fat in your diet will make your type 2 diabetes worse and hence, are foods to avoid for type 2 diabetics.
Keep in mind that all these foods to avoid for type 2 diabetics as they make it difficult for you to maintain a healthy HbA1c level in the long run. Choose complex carbohydrates and healthy proteins instead. Also, please work closely with your healthcare provider to find lifestyle changes and medications that work for you and your specific symptoms. Trulicity Diabetes Rx Prescription Discounts can help to reduce the overall cost of doctor-prescribed diabetes medications.