Ways to Naturally Brighten Your Teeth

Ways to Naturally Brighten Your Teeth

Everybody wants healthy, stain-free, sparklingly clean and white teeth. As a result, teeth whitening toothpaste, kits and treatment are very popular. Americans spend billions of dollars on numerous such items to obtain picture-perfect white teeth. Unfortunately, most of these whitening products use various types of chemicals. So, those who are obsessed with white teeth but at the same time should steer clear of harsh chemicals check out the following DIY teeth whitening tips.

Oil Pulling
Take a tablespoon of coconut oil or sunflower or sesame oil in your mouth. Now through your teeth, push and pull the oil. Keep on swishing the oil in your mouth for several minutes to eliminate bacteria that can cause plaque build-up and make the teeth look yellow. Oil pulling can be practiced daily as this method is absolutely safe and natural. This is one of the excellent DIY teeth whitening tips to brighten your teeth without using any harsh products that can damage the enamel. 

Brush With Baking Soda
One of the common DIY teeth whitening tips is to use baking soda to bleach your teeth. Being a gentle abrasive, it can scrub the stains from the surface of teeth. It can also prevent bacterial growth by creating an alkaline environment. Combine a teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of water. Apply this paste with your toothbrush or your fingertip on your teeth and leave it for about a minute or so to naturally whiten your teeth. Do this a few times every week for the best results.

Use Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent that also has the capability to destroy bacteria. Dilute the concentration of store-bought hydrogen peroxide (usually a 3% solution) by combining an equal quantity of hydrogen peroxide and water to a 1.5% solution. Before brushing use this as a mouthwash. Make a paste by mixing 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Now use this homemade, basic, whitening paste to brush your teeth for 1-2 minutes occasionally.

Rinse With Apple Cider Vinegar
Acetic acid, the chief ingredient present in apple cider vinegar can kill bacteria and whiten your teeth. Dilute this natural cleaning product with water and rinse your mouth thoroughly. Don’t forget to wash your mouth with plain water after swishing. Do this few times a week.

Brush With Strawberries
Prepare a mixture of freshly mashed strawberries and baking soda. Now brush your teeth using this paste to get pearly white teeth. The malic acid in strawberries can make your teeth whiter, whereas, hand baking soda can remove stains. Do this 1 or 2 times per week.

Use Fruit Peels
Rubbing peels of tangerine, orange, banana or lemon on your teeth for around 2 minutes can brighten your teeth naturally. Remember to rinse and brush after.

By following the DIY teeth whitening tips, you can achieve absolutely white teeth naturally. In addition, they are safe options and are free from chemicals.