Symptoms of Hepatitis C

Symptoms of Hepatitis C

Essentially, hepatitis C is a viral infection that leads to inflammation of the liver. Sometimes, it can also lead to severe liver damage. The symptoms associated with it are often vague and rarely prompt a visit to the doctor. Nearly 80% of people newly affected with the virus do not show any symptoms at all. Unfortunately, when the symptoms become severe, the infection has already progressed to become an advanced lever disease. So, knowing about these common symptoms of hep C can help.

This is one of the most common symptoms of hep C. Whenever there is an abnormality in the functioning of liver, it becomes evident in the form of fatigue.

Intermittent Abdominal Pain
The liver is on the right side of the abdomen, just under the ribcage. When the liver is inflamed, it causes pain and discomfort, which is one of the common symptoms of hep C. But some people do not feel actual pain but a vague sense of fullness over their liver. The pain can even occur in other areas of the mid-section.

Digestive Issues
The liver is an integral part of the digestive system . A liver affected with hepatitis C can cause reduced appetite, weight loss, nausea or vomiting. These are some common symptoms of hep C.

Depression is also one of the common symptoms of hep C. Experts have proposed a range of reasons as to why people suffering from hepatitis C can get depressed.

Jaundice usually does not occur in the beginning of a hep C infection. However, the characteristic yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes is a sure sign of an advancing liver disease.

Dark-colored Urine
Another common symptom of hep C is dark-colored urine. Usually, it is dark yellow or light orange in color.

Pale/grey Stool
If a person is suffering from hepatitis C, there may be change in the color of his stool, to pale or grey.

If the initial symptoms go unnoticed, then hepatitis C causes hardening or shrinking of the liver, it is known as cirrhosis. It causes symptoms such as fluid retention, skin itching and bleeding varices. In such a state, the patient will notice swelling in the belly, legs or the entire body. He or she may have itchy skin because the liver is unable to filter toxins out of the blood. Bleeding varices, caused by a high degree of pressure on the liver, can lead to coughing or vomiting of blood. At this advanced stage, a person can suffer from confusion, hallucinations, or extreme sleepiness. These are caused by the toxins building up in the blood and affecting the brain. Cirrhosis and its complications, especially vomiting of blood can be severe. Hence, they must be addressed immediately.

As one can see, the initial symptoms of hepatitis C are mild. But, if ignored, they can become severe. Those who have noticed the above common symptoms of hep C should visit a doctor and immediately get tested.