Prostate Cancer – Common Early Symptoms

Prostate Cancer – Common Early Symptoms

The prostate is a male gland shaped like a walnut that is responsible for producing the seminal fluid. This fluid transports and nourishes the sperms, and the type of cancer that develops in this gland is known as prostate cancer. Being aware of the early warning signs of prostate cancer is essential for men to ensure early diagnosis and timely care for successful treatment. Listed here are some early signs of prostate cancer that require immediate medical attention:

  • Trouble urinating:  It can get difficult for one to start or stop urinating, which usually happens as the cancerous growth exerts pressure on the bladder and urethra. This makes it difficult for the urine to flow smoothly.
  • Pain or a burning sensation while urinating:  Again, this happens due to the pressure exerted by the cancerous growth on nearby organs, including the bladder and urethra. The burning sensation can be a result of the restricted flow of urine or an infection in the urinary tract.
  • Blood in urine or semen:  Though this is not one of the early warning signs of prostate cancer, it is an important one. Since the prostate gland becomes enlarged due to the abnormal growth of cells, it pressurizes the bladder and urethra, causing irritation and bleeding. The blood can also appear in the semen as the prostate gland is responsible for producing the seminal fluid, but this symptom usually means that cancer has reached an advanced stage. It requires an immediate visit to a doctor or urologist.
  • More frequent nighttime urination:  One might feel the urge to urinate more frequently at night since the cancerous growth can narrow down the urethra, making it harder for the bladder to expel urine. This might also lead to a feeling of the bladder not emptying completely.
  • Pain during ejaculation and erectile dysfunction:  This is another early warning sign of prostate cancer. Since the prostate gland is located close to the male reproductive system and is also responsible for transporting sperms, a cancerous growth can make sexual intercourse tough and cause pain during ejaculation. It might also lead to the development of conditions like erectile dysfunction.
  • Pain and discomfort in the pelvic region:  As prostate cancer progresses, it exerts pressure on most or all nearby organs, mainly the urinary and reproductive organs. This can cause deep and dull pain in the pelvis, upper thighs, and lower back.
  • Other symptoms:  Pain or numbness in the legs is common if cancer metastasizes or spreads beyond the prostate. Swelling of the legs and bone pain that doesn’t subside might also be a result of metastasis. Other signs might include unexplained weight loss, irregular bowel movements, and excessive tiredness.

One should keep the above-mentioned early warning signs of prostate cancer in mind and seek medical help as early as possible if any of these are noticed.