Natural Remedies for ADHD Symptoms

Natural Remedies for ADHD Symptoms

Symptoms of a condition such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) usually become apparent in early childhood. One of the questions every parent is faced with is the choice whether to treat through medication or therapy, or both. Before turning to allopathic medication, one may want to try a few natural remedies for ADHD. Natural remedies have no side effects, but one should consult a doctor before starting a new treatment plan.

Fish Oil
Fish oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that are known to be helpful in relieving ADHD symptoms and for boosting brain power. Omega-3 fatty acids also influence the dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain. This, in turn, reduces oxidative stress.

Light Therapy
ADHD can cause a number of sleep issues. Children with this condition often find it difficult to sleep at night and are tired and sleepy during the day. Natural remedies for ADHD can help ease ADHD symptoms such as sleep issues. Light therapy can help regulate the child’s circadian rhythm. Exposing the body to sunlight in the morning will help the child fall asleep more easily at night. Light therapy can also improve a person’s mood.

Foods with zinc can boost the immune system and help in the production of proteins needed for cell membrane growth. If the child has a zinc deficiency, adding more zinc to their diet can also help reduce the intensity of hyperactivity symptoms. An easy way of adding zinc to a child’s diet is through legumes, meat, nuts and seeds.

Developing Routines
Children with ADHD can benefit from having a routine. Simple tasks like waking up and going to bed at the same time should be followed every day, even on weekends. Routines should be built up as a series of specific tasks. For example, a bedtime routine could include taking a bath, brushing teeth, changing into night clothes, reading a bedtime story for 10 minutes and switching off the lights.

Following an Active Lifestyle
Children with ADHD must lead an active lifestyle with plenty of exercise. This can help them keep their thoughts organized and focus on tasks at hand. The type of exercise a child participates in can also have a beneficial effect. For example, swimming, one of the most popular natural remedies for ADHD can improve motor coordination. This also helps improve sleep cycles and relieves hyperactivity symptoms.

Music Therapy
Music therapy helps children focus their attention and boosts social skills. Listening to music can help the different parts of the brain work cohesively and in union with each other. Music therapy also teaches children how to be part of a group.

For these natural remedies for ADHD to be effective, the child’s caregivers should be on the same page. This can help a child reach small goals that are easy to manage. These remedies can be paired with conventional forms of treatment as well to be more effective in the management of ADHD.