Melanoma – Early Signs of the Skin Cancer

Melanoma – Early Signs of the Skin Cancer

Melanoma is a common form of skin cancer that occurs as a result of abnormal growth and multiplication of the melanocyte cells. Although melanoma is quite rare (about 100,000 new cases are reposted every year in the country), it can be dangerous if left untreated. Here are some early warning signs of melanoma that one should look out for:

  • Abnormally shaped moles:  One of the most common early warning signs of melanoma is the appearance of abnormally-shaped moles. Since melanoma is a cancer of the pigment-producing melanocyte cells, the overproduction of these cells can cause sudden appearance of dark spots/patches on the skin, generally referred to as moles. Unlike regular moles that are small and usually evenly shaped, moles that arise due to melanoma are irregularly shaped and are usually large.
  • Moles that keep changing color and shape:  Another early warning sign of melanoma that should not be ignored is the changing shape and color of existing moles. As the melanocyte cells keep multiplying, an existing mole may change in appearance, size, and color. It gets bigger, more uneven, and darker in color, and these sings should not be taken lightly. One should make an appointment with a skin specialist to get such moles tested.
  • Sores that do not heal:  If one has sores on the body that do not heal as fast as they used to earlier, the multiplication of the melanocyte cells could be the reason. This symptom should be checked by a medical expert.
  • Itching and tenderness around moles:  Another early warning sign of melanoma that doctors ask people to note are moles that itch. While moles can be itchy for a lot of reasons, itchy moles and tender skin around the mole are common signs of melanoma in the early stages. If one has an itchy mole, it is always safer to mention it to the doctor.
  • Blurred vision:  For people with skin cancer in the eyes, one of the early warning signs of melanoma is blurry vision. Eye melanoma can lead to glaucoma and blurry vision, and ignoring blurry vision may cause vision loss.
  • Bleeding around moles:  Moles can bleed due to various reasons, but if a mole is crusty, oozy, and bleeding, it should be checked as it may have turned cancerous. As melanoma spreads, it can change the texture of existing moles and result in skin lesions that can start bleeding over time.

All these early warning signs of melanoma can be easily recognized if one keeps an eye out for changes in their body. Melanoma can be treated if diagnosed early, so these signs should not be ignored, and one should visit a healthcare professional if they notice any abnormal moles or any changes in existing moles.