Manage GERD Efficiently with These Lifestyle Tips

Manage GERD Efficiently with These Lifestyle Tips

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) takes place when contents of the stomach flow back to the esophagus. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), approximately 20 percent of those living in the United States have GERD. Common symptoms of this medical condition include heartburn, chest pain, regurgitation of food in the esophagus, and difficulty in swallowing. So, have a look at the lifestyle tips for managing GERD to manage your condition better.

  • Refrain from overeating
    Eating small meals at frequent intervals is one of the best lifestyle tips for managing GERD as it improves digestion and prevents heartburn. The lower esophageal sphincter is a group of muscles guarding the junction of the stomach and esophagus. In a healthy state, it allows a one-way entry of food from the food pipe to the stomach, but in GERD patients, the valve weakens and may open up when there is pressure due to overeating, which can cause acid reflux.
  • Make early dinner a habit
    It is better to have your dinner early, at least 2-3 hours before hitting the bed. Doctors also recommend the use of an extra pillow to keep the head in an elevated position if you are a GERD patient. These measures can help prevent episodes of heartburn by promoting smooth digestion.
  • Shed those extra pounds
    Maintaining a healthy weight is also one of the crucial lifestyle tips for managing GERD. In overweight individuals, the diaphragm gets pushed upward, opening the esophageal sphincter and allowing the stomach acids to leak into the food pipe. This medical issue is known as hiatus hernia, and people with excess belly fat and pregnant women develop GERD due to it.
  • Avoid raw onion-based food
    A study conducted among 32 participants (16 healthy candidates and 16 heartburn patients) established that the presence of raw onion in the diet increases the risk of heartburn and GERD. All the subjects consumed a hamburger, along with an extra slice of raw onion and a glass of cold water. Two hours after the meal, researchers measured the esophageal pH in all candidates and found that onions acted as a potent refluxogenic agent in heartburn patients. A high amount of fermentable fiber in this veggie may irritate the esophageal wall and worsen heartburn. It is the reason why gastroenterologists advise GERD patients to limit the intake of raw onion.
  • Stay away from caffeine
    Refrain from sipping too much coffee, especially in the evenings or at night. Studies reveal that caffeine can weaken the lower esophageal sphincter and increase the frequency of heartburn and reflux.

Following these lifestyle tips can go a long way in managing GERD and helping you lead a healthier life. You can also consult your doctor for a customized diet plan and further guidance.