Hemophilia – 7 Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Living

Hemophilia – 7 Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Living

Hemophilia is an inherited blood disorder in which the blood’s ability to clot is severely reduced. A hemophilia patient experiences severe bleeding, even from a minor injury. For people with this condition, making the right changes to the lifestyle goes a long way in avoiding complications. Here are some lifestyle tips for hemophilia patients:

  • Exercise:  Working out helps strengthen the bones and muscles, but patients should avoid any exercise or physical activity that can cause an injury. Also, one should wear the necessary safety gear while participating in any sport. The safest exercise options for hemophilia patients are walking, swimming, and cycling. Also, regular exercise helps in maintaining a healthy weight, which reduces strain on the joints and lowers the risk of injury and bleeding.
  • Follow a nutritious diet:  This is one of the most important lifestyle tips for hemophilia patients. Plenty of fresh fruits and veggies are important parts of a nutritious diet, and patients should increase their intake of whole grains like wheat, oats, barley, and brown rice. Low-fat dairy products like low-fat cheese and skimmed milk are ideal for hemophilia patients. Also, fried foods should be replaced with baked, boiled, or grilled versions. Additionally, one should reduce the consumption of fatty meats and add more nuts, seeds, dried beans, and other fibrous foods to their diet.
  • Avoid blood thinner medications:  People with hemophilia should ensure that they do not take any blood thinners. These medications can cause excessive bleeding in case of an injury and increase the complications associated with the condition. Instead, they can approach a doctor for alternative medicines.
  • Avoid certain pain medications:  According to experts, certain pain medications can aggravate bleeding, so hemophilia patients should avoid them. One can talk to their doctor for safer alternatives.
  • Stay hydrated:  The body needs a sufficient amount of water to function properly, so one should drink 2 to 3 liters of water every day to stay hydrated. Staying hydrated is an important lifestyle tip for hemophilia patients as it makes it easier for doctors to find a vein for infusion.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene:  Dental procedures may cause excessive bleeding, which can be risky for hemophilia patients. So, people with this blood disorder should maintain good oral hygiene to prevent the need for a dental procedure. Cleaning the teeth and gums thoroughly twice a day is important to keep them healthy and free from disease.
  • Go for timely checkups:  One should talk to their doctor and undergo timely checkups to rule out blood infections and other associated conditions. Most healthcare practitioners advise yearly checkups for hemophilia patients.

While it may be challenging to manage hemophilia, taking certain precautions can help. Also, these lifestyle tips for hemophilia patients are effective, but one must also consult a doctor for specific guidance.