Car Insurance Terms – An Overview

Car Insurance Terms – An Overview

If you own a car, an insurance policy is necessary to ensure protection in the event of damage to the car or a person. In the country, it is compulsory to have car insurance. Hence, you must know car insurance terms that are commonly and widely used. This will also help you choose the most suitable kind of insurance to meet all your requirements. Here is a glossary of popular car insurance terms you shouold know.

Personal Automobile Insurance
An insurance policy that covers cars being used for personal reasons. Property damage, liability, and medical expenses coverage are a part of this type of auto insurance.

Uninsured Motorist Property Damage coverage (UMPD)
This clause in an auto insurance policy that allows you to pay damages in case your car is damaged by an uninsured car driver or in a hit-and-run accident.

Property Damage Liability Insurance
This type of insurance covers you in case you are legally responsible for property damage to another.

Non-ownership Automobile Liability
This clause provides cover in case a liability occurs when the insured is driving an un-owned vehicle or one that is not covered by the insured.

Bodily Injury Liability Coverage
This includes coverage of losses such as medical expenses, and income incurred on other drivers/pedestrians during a car accident caused by the policyholder.

Collision Coverage
In a collision case where no one is at fault, this clause will help cover the insured for the damage. However, do note that this coverage is not valid in case the collision occurs with an animal.

Casualty Insurance
This insurance type covers bodily injury or property damage done to others by the policyholder.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Coverage
Under this coverage, a certain amount (depending on the policy limits) is paid for injuries and accidental death caused when traveling by car or being struck by one.

Combined Single Limit
Auto insurances of this type issue a single limit/ amount for both bodily injury and property damage.

Split Limit Policy
In comparison to the combined single limit policy, the split limit policy allows separate limits for bodily injury and property damage.

Apart from the above, some introductory must-know car insurance terms include 

This is the preliminary application form that the insurance company makes you fill in to gain information about you.

This is the seller of insurance on behalf of the insurance company.

This is the person who investigates an insurance claim, evaluates it and settles it based on the policy limits.

The policyholder who is covered under a policy is known as the insured.

The company that provides the insurance plan is known as the insurer.

Therefore, before you apply for auto insurance, keep this list of must know car insurance terms handy . You should also compare the car insurance terms and conditions of different companies before zeroing in on one.