7 Easy Cocktail Recipes You Must Try

7 Easy Cocktail Recipes You Must Try

No party is complete without some refreshing and tasty cocktails. They get conversations started and lighten the mood in a jiffy. But if you are hosting for the first time and wondering what drinks to serve when guests arrive, here are some easy cocktail recipes for beginners that will surely make you a star host:

  • Appletini:  Appletini or apple martini is an easy cocktail recipe for beginners and is extremely popular in modern bars. Pour 45 ml vodka, 30ml green apple schnapps, and 15 ml lemon juice in a cocktail shaker filled with ice cubes. Stir well before straining it into chilled cocktail glasses. Garnish with an apple slice before serving.
  • Pink lady:  This one’s a favorite, especially on Valentine’s Day. Pour 50 ml gin and 2 tablespoon grenadine in a cocktail shaker and mix well. Blend this mixture with one egg white till the egg white is frothy; you can use a food processor or hand blender for this. Pour into chilled cocktail glasses, skewer cherries onto cocktail sticks and garnish with lemon zest.
  • Cosmopolitan:  A classic yet easy cocktail recipe for beginners, this one will surely be a hit among your guests. Pour 45ml of your choice of vodka, 15 ml Cointreau, 10 ml of fresh lime juice, and 45 ml of cranberry juice in a cocktail shaker full of ice and stir well. Strain it into a cocktail glass, and use flamed orange zest for garnishing.
  • White Russian:  This is another easy cocktail recipe for beginners, and it uses milk as an ingredient. Take a glass full of ice cubes and add 45 ml of vodka of your choice and 30 ml of coffee liquor to it. Then, add 45 ml of frothed milk, and your cocktail is ready to be served.
  • Sea breeze:  This one too is simple to make. Just add 60 ml of vodka, 90 ml of cranberry juice, and 60 ml of grapefruit juice to a cocktail shaker. Add some ice cubes and give it a quick shake. Take a tall glass, add some ice cubes, and pour the cocktail over it. Garnish with a piece of grapefruit before serving.
  • Irish whiskey old fashioned:  This is another easy cocktail recipe for beginners that you must try out if you’re planning to host a house party. Add 40 ml of Irish whiskey, 10 ml elderflower cordial, 10 ml of Sauternes, and ice cubes to a tumbler and stir well. Transfer to serving glasses, garnish with lemon zest, and enjoy the compliments!
  • Long Island iced tea:  This one is a classic for summer parties. Add 50 ml of gin, tequila, vodka, and triple sec, 100 ml fresh lemon juice, and ice cubes to a jug. Stir the mixture till the jug feels cold on the outside. Then, add 500 ml cola and garnish with lime wedges. Pour the mixture in cocktail glasses and serve.