6 Ways to Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis

6 Ways to Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a result of the formation of a blood clot in a vein. If the blood moves very slowly through the veins situated deep inside the body, it can result in a clot or cluster of blood cells. DVT commonly occurs in the pelvis, thighs, or lower legs. If one is at risk of developing this condition, these prevention tips for DVT may help prevent it:

  • Stay active:  If one has a genetic predisposition to blood clotting or any other condition that increases the risk of DVT, they should stay active. Sitting for a long time may obstruct blood circulation in the body and increase the risk of the condition. Also, obesity is a risk factor for DVT, and a sedentary lifestyle increases the chances of obesity. One can follow a workout regimen or just find some fun activities to stay active.
  • Lose weight:  This is one of the most important prevention tips for DVT as excess weight exerts more pressure on the veins in the legs and pelvis. If one is overweight, losing the extra pounds can help alleviate the risk of developing the condition. Regular exercise and following a high-fiber, low-fat diet can help one shed the extra weight. Walking, cycling, and swimming are some great activities to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Wear compression stockings:  If one is are at risk of developing DVT, they can talk to a healthcare provider and wear compression stockings. The stockings may keep swelling at bay and alleviate the chances of blood clots. These long and fitted socks create firm pressure that helps push the blood back to the heart instead of clotting in the legs. Compression stockings are especially great for long trips, and a study showed that wearing these stockings on long trips and flights alleviated the risk of DVT.
  • Keep blood pressure levels in check:  This prevention tip for DVT is also beneficial for overall health. High blood pressure not only leads to cardiovascular conditions but also increases the risk of developing DVT. If one has a family history of this condition or is at risk of developing it, they should maintain healthy blood pressure levels.
  • Take the prescribed medicines:  If one has a cardiovascular or any other condition that may increase the chances of developing DVT, they should not skip the prescribed medicines. This is one of the most important prevention tips for DVT.
  • Quit smoking:  DVT is one of the numerous health conditions that can be caused by smoking. Smoking interferes with circulation and elevates the chances of a blood clot, and smoking also increases blood pressure, which is a risk factor of DVT.

These are some simple yet important prevention tips for DVT that one should follow to improve their overall wellbeing as well.