6 Common Symptoms of Asthma and Allergies

6 Common Symptoms of Asthma and Allergies

Asthma and allergies affect countless people in the country every year. In simple terms, asthma causes the airways to constrict, making breathing strenuous, and allergies occur when the body’s immune system responds to substances that are harmless for most other people. Both conditions are interconnected, and understanding the early warning signs of asthma and allergies can help prevent and treat them effectively. Here are some signs of these conditions:

  • Cough:  Among the common early warning signs of asthma and allergies is a persistent cough, especially during nighttime. While a cough may be the result of a cold or a respiratory infection, frequent coughing must be investigated by a physician. If this symptom is combined with breathlessness or difficulty in breathing, it could be a sign of asthma or an allergy.
  • Shortness of breath:  Shortness of breath or wheezing is one of the common early warning signs of asthma and allergies. A small yet sharp whistling sound during exhalation is a tell-tale sign of asthma. This is generally caused as the throat and the airways are infected and swollen, and the narrowing of the passage leads to difficulty in breathing.
  • Breathlessness while exercising:  While breathlessness may mean poor stamina, if the symptom is accompanied by other signs like wheezing and cough, it may be an early sign of asthma or allergies. Further, exercise-induced asthma is quite common and causes the airways in the lungs to become constricted as a result of strenuous exercise. Bronchoconstriction, as it is called, can cause shortness of breath, cough, or tightness in the chest during and/or after exercising.
  • Severe upper respiratory infection with pronounced symptoms:  Dry or itchy eyes and a blocked nose are all early warning signs of asthma and allergies. While common cold can cause considerable discomfort in breathing normally, it may disappear with treatment. However, frequent upper respiratory infections can weaken the lungs, making them more susceptible to asthma and allergies.
  • Severe reactions to strong smells or allergens:  Generally, frequent colds and respiratory infections can trigger the symptoms of asthma or allergies. Certain other triggers like strong smells (perfumes or odors of other kinds), smoke, dust, and/or pollen can cause early warning signs of asthma and allergies like breathlessness, dry/watery eyes, and wheezing. Further, pet hair, dust mites, or other allergens can also trigger allergy-induced asthma.
  • Wheezing attacks:  It is important to pay attention to wheezing during any physical activity. For instance, laughing or crying too hard may trigger wheezing attacks, and this must be examined and treated. Wheezing attacks that often occur due to cold or seasonal changes to prevent worsening of the condition.

Asthma and allergies can be managed if the condition and the symptoms are known. So, one must learn about the triggers and modify their lifestyle to prevent asthma attacks and allergic reactions.