5 Products That Help Quit Smoking

5 Products That Help Quit Smoking

Approximately 70 percent of smokers in the country are trying to quit the habit, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has launched a campaign called “Every Try Counts” to promote abstinence from nicotine. Smoking leads to several health issues, including lung cancer, respiratory distress, vascular diseases, and infertility. So, here is a list of products to help one quit smoking for good and boost their overall health:

  • Nicotine patches
    Nicotine patches are the most convenient products to help quit smoking for good. They steadily release a low dose of nicotine into the epidermal cells and help reduce cravings. These patches also prevent withdrawal symptoms like restlessness, frustration, and challenges with maintaining concentration. One can use the patch on their arm, chest, or back, and these patches help one quit the habit in 8-12 weeks with continuous use.
  • Nicotine gum
    Similar to nicotine patches, nicotine gums aid in reducing the craving to smoke. These are available at local pharmacies, and one can start with a high dose and gradually lower it over time. Most products are available in 2 mg and 4 mg doses and release nicotine once chewed on. This nicotine is absorbed by the mucous cells in the mouth. Although it allows one to remain busy with their mouths, nausea, jaw ache, racing heartbeat, and bad aftertaste have been reported in cases of prolonged use of nicotine gums.
  • Nicotine lozenges
    Nicotine lozenges are also one of the effective products to help quit smoking for good. They are available as hard candies, and unlike gums, one doesn’t have to chew on them for a long time. They are available at supermarkets without any prescription and contain a small dose of nicotine. One can use up to 20 lozenges in a day to stay away from smoking.
  • Nicotine inhaler
    Unlike all the above products, nicotine inhalers can be purchased only after providing a prescription from a doctor. These inhalers come with a replaceable cartridge that one can attach to the mouthpiece before using the product. It releases a minute dose of nicotine into the mouth, but some users have complained of headaches, rapid heartbeat, cough, and throat irritation after inhalation. Having said that, doctors are of the opinion that these side effects as a result of nicotine and not the inhaler.
  • Nicotine nasal spray
    The nicotine nasal spray is also a prescription-only product and allows a quick burst of nicotine to be released into the bloodstream through the nasal cells. Initially, one may experience throat ache, sneezing, coughing, and teary eyes after using the spray, but these symptoms improve within a week or two.

Quitting smoking can be tough, but this list of products to help quit smoking for good is effective in getting rid of the habit.