5 Foods You Can Safely Feed Your Dog

5 Foods You Can Safely Feed Your Dog

The digestive system is different in dogs as compared to that of humans, so the foods suitable for human consumption might not be safe for dogs. However, be it animal protein or vegetables and fruits, there are certain human foods that are safe for dogs and can also be beneficial to their health. At the same time, they should be given in moderate quantities, and any allergic reactions should be reported to the vet. Here are some human foods that are considered to be safe for dogs:

  • Carrots
    Carrots are as healthy for dogs as they are for humans, making them earn the top spot on the list of human foods that are safe for dogs. Chewing on carrots helps remove plaque from the teeth of your dog, promoting their dental health. Plus, carrots are great sources of vitamin A, which is essential for improving the coat quality, skin health, and overall immunity of dogs.
  • Apples
    Apples are a great choice and provide several important vitamins to dogs, including vitamins A and C. They are also good sources of fiber and help improve the digestive health of your dog. Just ensure that your dog never chews on a rotten apple as it can be really harmful and cause alcohol poisoning.
  • White rice
    Cooked plain white rice is among the top human foods that are safe for dogs as it can help treat an upset stomach. However, let your dog stay away from white rice if it has diabetes as this food causes the blood sugar levels to spike in dogs, just as it does in humans.
  • Fish and chicken
    Certain types of fish and boiled chicken are essential items in dog food and treats and are also listed among the human foods that are safe for dogs. Fish like shrimp, tuna, and salmon are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids and help improve the skin and coat of dogs, while also boosting their overall immunity. While feeding your dog chicken, ensure that it is plain and thoroughly boiled. Also, the less seasoning, the healthier it is.
  • Peanut butter
    The good news is that your dog need not be deprived of this tasty stuff that humans love. However, in order to be absolutely safe for your pet dog, the peanut butter you buy must be unsalted and free of any added sugar or sweeteners. Peanut butter is filled with numerous beneficial elements, including healthy fats, niacin, vitamin E, vitamin B, and proteins, so feeding your dog peanut butter in moderate quantities is fine.

These human foods that are safe for dogs can also be used as ingredients in DIY dog food and treat recipes to keep your pup healthy and happy.