5 Common Signs and Symptoms of Renal Cancer

5 Common Signs and Symptoms of Renal Cancer

Renal cancer, which is also known as kidney cancer, is a condition in which the cells in the kidneys grow uncontrollably. In the initial stages, cancer starts in the lining of the small kidney tubes and is known as renal cell carcinoma. In most cases, kidney cancer is detected before it spreads to nearby organs. Here is a look at the common signs of renal cancer.

  • Lower back pain:  This is one of the most common signs of renal cancer that affects a large percentage of people with kidney or renal cancer. In some people, this symptom appears only in the later stages, and the pain can be like a sharp stab or a dull ache. It commonly appears on one side of the flank, which is the area between the ribs and the hip. If one experiences sudden, sharp, and persistent pain, they should visit a doctor at the earliest.
  • Blood in the urine:  Yet another symptom of renal cancer, experts say that about 40 to 50 percent of people with this form of cancer experience this. There may be a small amount of blood in the urine and cause its color to change to pink, brown, or red. However, this symptom can be inconsistent and may not manifest every day. When the amount of blood is very small, it can be detected only during a urine test. Blood in the urine may also be a result of kidney stones, kidney infection, cysts, or kidney injury.
  • A lump around the abdomen:  If one notices a mass or lump on the side or back of the abdomen, renal cancer might be the reason. The lump usually looks like a thick and hard bulge under the skin. Studies have shown that about 45 percent of people with renal cancer show this symptom, but it may be difficult to feel or detect a kidney lump as the organ is located deep in the abdomen. In case one suspects a lump around the abdomen, they should talk to a doctor and get the necessary tests done for further examination and diagnosis. A doctor may prescribe a CT scan or even a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss:  These are common signs of renal cancer. Most patients experience a decrease in appetite and start losing weight at an alarming rate, and this usually happens when the tumor starts spreading to other organs.
  • Fatigue and anemia:  People with renal cancer experience persistent fatigue, along with the other symptoms mentioned here. Anemia is also a sign of renal cancer and is caused as a result of the kidneys being unable to signal the body to make red blood cells.

Persistent fever and swelling in the legs or ankles are some of the other signs of renal cancer. If one experiences these symptoms, they should consult a doctor at the earliest.