Beneficial Foods for COPD Patients
A common disease of the lungs, COPD can either involve chronic bronchitis or emphysema. And apart from medications, a healthy diet can help you deal with this chronic obstructive pulmonary disease effectively. After all, what you eat determines how strong your immune system is and how well you can fight illnesses. So, here is a list of the best foods to eat for COPD, which you can keep handy .
Whole Grains
Instead of refined carbohydrates, whole grains must be a part of a COPD-friendly diet. Since refined carbohydrates increase carbon dioxide production, it further stresses your lungs. Cutting down on a carb-rich diet will help deal with the condition better.
Low-fat Milk
Low-fat milk offers calcium, vitamin-D, and protein, helping your vital organs to function properly. It can provide you the energy you need to breathe well.
Healthy Fats
Adding healthy fats to your diet is essential while dealing with COPD. Go for mono-saturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids especially. Nuts, eggs, olive oil, avocados and salmon are among the best foods to eat for COPD. They can keep you energetic all through the day as well.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
These contain essential minerals, vitamins, and fibers required to keep your body healthy overall. Non-starchy vegetables except for potatoes, corn, and peas must be included in the diet as they are low in carbohydrates.
Potassium-rich Foods
Potassium is vital for lung function, and deficiencies may cause breathing distress. Foods high in potassium include avocados, tomatoes, leafy greens, bananas, oranges, beets and asparagus.
High-fiber foods such as beans, peas, and lentils contain zinc, an essential mineral for a nutritious COPD diet. Dry beans are easy to consume with salad or chickpeas, limiting the salt intake. So, they are among the top foods to eat for COPD.
Some people suffering from COPD report a lower body mass index. It is a sign of poor nutrition that can put them at a greater health risk. So, focusing on high-calorie but nutritious food groups such as nuts can keep the body weight in the normal range. If chewing nuts is difficult, nut butters, creamy dressings and sauces are equally good. Before getting started, consulting your doctor is important though.
Lean Protein
People dealing with COPD often complain of protein deficiency too. Lack of protein can lead to loss of muscle, also known as muscle wasting. Eggs, chicken, dairy and fish are healthy, nutritious and good sources of lean proteins.
Studies suggest that a vitamin-D deficiency may trigger COPD symptoms. In case the body doesn’t get adequate sunlight, doctors may prescribe vitamin-D rich foods such as mackerel, tuna and salmon.
COPD can leave you feeling dehydrated, owing to the respiratory issues associated with the condition. Drinking more water will make it easier to cough up phlegm. Water will keep the body tissues more supple too.
While including the foods to eat for COPD in your diet won’t cure the condition, these will help your body to fight infections better.