Foods That Trigger Migraines

Foods That Trigger Migraines

Everyone has not suffered from a headache at least once. But migraines are a more severe version. Migraine headaches can have a debilitating effect on your day, especially if you experience extreme symptoms. Migraine symptoms vary from person to person, but generally, symptoms range from light and sound sensitivity, nausea, to pain in one side of the head, and tingling sensations. Migraines can be managed if you know the reasons for such headaches. A nutritious and balanced diet can help in keeping these episodes at bay. Here are the foods to avoid for migraines.

Eggs are one of the top foods to avoid for migraines, and the reason is glutamic acid. Egg whites contain high levels of glutamic acid. While organic eggs may contain lower levels, it is not the case with store-bought or processed eggs. Glutamate or glutamic acid is a known trigger for migraines.

There are certain foods that make you more susceptible to a migraine than others. Tomatoes are known to contain high levels of tyramine and histamine. There are enzymes within the body to break down these amines. However, migraines may appear where the activity of such enzymes is low. Tomatoes should, therefore, be added to the list of foods to avoid for migraines.

It’s not hard to understand this one. Alcohol is similar to caffeine and it works as a vasodilator. As the alcohol enters the system, the blood vessels dilate or expand. Most of the alcoholic drinks contain histamine, tyramine, and certain flavonoids. These tend to activate nerve fibers, causing pain and the release of inflammatory chemicals. Therefore, alcohol is one of the members of foods to avoid for migraines.

Caffeine is a well-known culprit when it comes to migraines. A single cup or two of coffee in a day contributes about 100 milligrams of caffeine. What is problematic is the irregularity of the caffeine. If the coffee drunk on the weekends is far less than what you consume during the week, it may lead to rebound vasodilation. Basically, your body will crave the extra caffeine, leading to a migraine. Limit the quantity of coffee to a minimum every day if you are unable to completely quit.

Foods Containing MSG
MSG, or monosodium glutamate, is a flavor enhancer that is typically used in Asian food. It is definitely one of the foods to avoid for migraines. Glutamic acid is found in our bodies naturally. MSG is the sodium salt of this amino acid. However, MSG is manufactured by fermenting sugar, molasses, or salt. This can trigger, what is commonly called, MSG-induced headaches.

Although it’ s hard to pinpoint the food trigger for a migraine, paying close attention to what you eat and eliminating food items one by one is the best way to find the right trigger. So, remember the above list of foods to avoid for migraines.