5 Food Triggers to Avoid for Gout Patients
A painful inflammatory form of arthritis, gout tends to affect your joints one at a time. The episodes, also known as flares, appear when the symptoms of gouts are worse. Repeated flares of gouts can result in a condition called gouty arthritis. As there is no cure for this disease, the only way to manage it is through medication and strategies aimed at lifestyle and diet management. In terms of a diet, some foods are to be avoid by gout patietns. These foods are high in purine, which gets converted into uric acid by the body. So, when you consume such foods, your uric acid level increases, causing gout flares. So, let us look take a closer look at what foods to avoid for gout. Meats Organ meats like the liver and kidneys and game meats like pheasant and veal have high levels of purine. With regard to other kinds of meats, like chicken, pork, and lamb, these should also be had in moderation. You will also need to avoid the consumption of other animal-based foods like broths, gravies, and soups as they are very high in purine. Seafood All kinds of seafood like fish, oysters, crabs, lobsters, and shrimps contain large amounts of purine and need to be consumed in moderation.
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